Go Behind the Curtain

Go Behind the Curtain

There's a whole other show that happens backstage. Come along with us to see what it takes to run the show.

Go Behind the Curtain
  • DAVID | Behind the Curtain

    5 items

    Go backstage with the cast and crew to see how this legendary story comes to life on stage.

  • QUEEN ESTHER | Behind the Curtain

    7 items

    Step inside the palace walls for an exclusive look at everything that happens behind the scenes of QUEEN ESTHER.

  • JESUS | Behind the Curtain

    10 items

    Go backstage with the cast and crew to see how the greatest rescue story of all time comes to life on stage.

  • SAMSON | Behind the Curtain

    14 items

    Push past the pillars for a sneak peek at how the cast and crew work together to bring down the house.

  • MOSES | Behind the Curtain

    13 items

    From unleashing the plagues to parting the sea, there's never a dull moment behind the scenes! Follow the cast and crew as they bring MOSES to life on stage.

  • JONAH | Behind the Curtain

    2 items

    Go deeper with the JONAH cast and crew, and learn what it takes to run the show each day.

  • NOAH | Behind the Curtain

    1 item

    Get a sneak peek of how the cast, crew, and even the animals prepare for their extraordinary voyage.